11/16/2015. at the Luna Pizzeria, at 20.00, was held the regular annual assembly of the club MOK UMAG-CPM UMAGO.
All members (founders) of the club participated in the meeting. After the adoption of the agenda and all the formalities, club president Edi Forza presented the annual work report for 2018 and a work plan for 2019, while club secretary Goran Slavujević presented the financial report for 2017 and the financial situation for 2018 up to 31.10.2018., after which it presented the financial plan for 2019, which is 10% higher than 2018, given the increase in the number of categories and children.
The Assembly members unanimously accepted all the reports of the President and Secretary of the Club for the past period and the work plan and the financial plan for 2019. and give full support to the management of the club.
This was the most successful year for all indicators of the club since its foundation in 2011, with excellent results in all categories.
The basic guidelines of the club are still mainly work with young people and the expansion of the base and the promotion of volleyball and beach volleyball, especially among the youth population.

Edi Forza
Club President

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