Pep Guardiola, one of the most successful football coaches, said he had inspiration.
“At the end of my career, when I left Barcelona after eleven xear,, I went to Italy. One day while watching television I was impressed with the interview: it was Julio Velasco, the coach of the legendary Italian team, with which he won all. I was fascinated with what he said and how he said it, so I finally decided to call him. ”
“Mr. Velasco I’m Pep Guardiola and I would like to invite you to have something to eat. ” He replied, “All right,” so we went to lunch. While we were talking about lunch, one thing was left in my head.
“Pep, when you decide to train, you will have to be clear about one thing: do not try to change players, players are what they are, they always told us that trainers are all the same, but this is the biggest lie in the sport. how to touch the right key For example, at my volleyball players there is someone who likes to talk about tactics and so we’ve been talking about it for 4/5 hours because I know it loves it. Someone else after 2 minutes is already bored because he does not care or someone likes to talk about him in front of the team: about a group, about good or bad things, about everything because it feels important. Others do not even like it, so bring them to your office and say what you have to say privately, that’s the key to finding the way, and it does not write anywhere, and it is not portable ”
“That is why our business is so beautiful: decisions that have served yesterday are no longer needed today.” Football lesson, sport … for life.
Julio Velasco / Pep Guardiola