MOK UMAG-CPM UMAGO : MOK RIJEKA 0:3 (14:25, 18:25, 18:25)
MOK UMAG-CPM UMAGO : OK ROVINJ    2:1 (19:25, 26:24, 25:23)

Sunday 08.12.2019. in Rijeka (Mavrinci’s Hall) the cadets of the  MOK UMAG-CPM UMAG0 continued their race in the inter-regional league for cadets.
After successfully completing the first two rounds of the championship, in which the boys got 4 wins in 4 games, the boys played two games today against their peers from MOK Rijeka and OK Rovinj.
Today our boys did not perform complete, as three players were sick (viruses). The coach then offered the opportunity to three young cadets: Thomas Veznaver, Nicola Paljuh and Oscar Hlaj-Fattor.
The first game was played against the team of MOK Rijeka, which Rijeka’s team won with a sharp 3: 0. Our boys played quite nervously with many mistakes, until the third set when they tied their play and they started playing better. It was an announcement that things would go differently against OK Rovinj, which eventually turned out to be correct.
Our boys in a uniform fight win the game 2-1 in the set.
Today’s release was not the best, but although it was the game, we can be more than happy with the result and the commitment shown.
In particular, we praise our young cadets, who did everything the coach asked them to do by justifying the coach’s confidence.
For the MOK UMAG they played: Alex Cetojevic (c), Daniel Kremer, Nicolas Sodomaco, Lars Turk, Simone Bassanese, Thomas Veznaver, Nicola Paljuh, Oscak Hlaj-Fattor.
Coach: Dragan Salapura
Congratulations to the boys and the coach for the result.
Edi Forza
President of the club

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