Edi Forza
15-11-2021 21:11
After 2021 could not take place due to the well-known situation with the COVID pandemic, we hope that this year we will be able to organize our tournament, at least in changed circumstances, and find each other again.
Is to say, we plan to organize the 13th UMAG OPEN 2022, international volleyball tournament on Saturday 22 January 2022, starting at 9 am, in the Umag gym, at the Marija i Line elementary school and in the Stela Maris shoulder, on 6 volleyball courts, in men’s and women’s competitions.
After the INCREDIBLE number in 2020, of 57 teams from Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia, we expect an equally high number this year (if circumstances allow), considering that a few more teams from Italy have announced their arrival.
In terms of participants, this is one of the strongest and largest tournaments of its kind in Croatia and the former state, and one of the largest tournaments in Europe in terms of character. Hopefully, if the situation allows, we will come up with at least an approximate number.
Like the year 2020, this year too we have 2 categories in both competitions (male and female), OVER 40 and UNDER 40 (more in the invitation).
In any case, we will inform you of everything promptly, so follow us on our website www.mokumag.hr and on Facebook @MOK UMAG-CPM UMAGO where we will inform you of any changes.
NOTE: in case the situation with COVID changes and they don’t allow us to organize the tournament, we will let you know as soon as possible!
Due to the situation with COVID, the tournament will take place according to the current epidemiological measures (more in the invitation) and the recommendations of the National Civil Protection.
We enclose the invitation and the participation form with all the details, and then we will send the PARTICIPATION RULES. In case of need, do not hesitate to contact us at the telephone numbers and emails attached to the notice.
We can’t wait and hope for another nice sporting meeting, and we look forward to numerous epidemics permitting.
89 downloads | 1.0 | Edi Forza | 15-11-2021 21:11 |