Mok Rovinj : Mok Umag-Cpm Umago 2:1 (25:16, 19:25, 25:20
Mok Rijeka : Mok Umag-Cpm Umago 3:0 (25:17, 25:09, 25:22)
Today, November 10, 2019, the junior team of the MOK “Umag” -CPM “Umago” went to Rijeka where they played the 1st round of the Inter-Conteal Junior League.
Today they played with the teams of the MOK ROVINJ and MOK RIJEKA that make up the inter-conteal league of this year together with the MOK UMAG-CPM UMAGO.
After yesterday’s victory with the seniors, the boys have lost today, but when we know that in the teams these two rivals are mostly players who played yesterday’s Super League with their teams, we can be proud and more than satisfied with the result, but also of the struggle and dedication of our boys.
This was a great experience, in which they proved to be able to confront and play against everyone.
For Mok Umag they played: Leo Savic (C) Antonio Degrassi, Alex Cetojevic, Daniel Kremer, Gabriel Nadal, Matteo Saina, Lars Turk, Nicolas Sodomaco, Simone Bassanese and Mitja Krizovnik
Coach Dragan Sepi Salapura
Congratulations to the boys and the coach
Edi Forza
President of the club
MOK Umag-CPM Umago